




第二段材料为一帮人去餐馆吃饭,看了on-line rating ,结果饭菜很不好吃,从而凸显出online rating的不靠谱

第二三段写你对online rating 的看法并且用2-3个论据或者理由来支撑你的看法。


写作今年主题为online-rating, 考了2段材料,第一段材料为一对母子买旅行箱看了网上的评论,结果买回来的旅行箱质量很好。第二段材料为一帮人去餐馆吃饭,看了on-line rating ,结果饭菜很不好吃,从而凸显出online rating的不靠谱。这种观点争锋类与2014年的中文单词收录到英文字典里,还有2016年的on-line voting 非常相似。

第二三段写你对online rating 的看法并且用2-3个论据或者理由来支撑你的看法。

A mother and son purchased a premier-quality luggage case based on on-line voting, while another group was cheated into dining at a so-called supreme resturant by fake rating on-line. The two materials put online rating into spotlight.

Personally, I cling to the belief that it is not the online rating that is to blame, but rather, it is we consumers who are obliged to closely scrutinize online rating and draw our own conclusions. Firstly, online rating and comment can only serve as a reference for our purchase choices online in that there indeed exist some objective and authentic remarks left by some conscientious and responsible customers. Secondly, even if the goods' online rating is high and its reputation is well deserved among other shoppers, it does not necessarily mean this product is speficially tailored to your personal needs. In this case, you might as well consult the e-shop owners or ask for some trial samples before you place the order.

On balance, online rating can only function as one critierion for our final decision in making an online purchase. Other aspects, such as communicating closely with the shop owner on your preferences and asking for trial samples, can act as a reliable substitute for your final option.